Sunday, October 11, 2009


Nak boli kicap.....nak boli kicap

Uish...camno plak den nak linteh neh?

Umang aihhh..tinggi ehh...

Takpo...den terai yolah...uihhhhh....

eh...lopeh ko tak den ni ha...uihhh

hehhee...belibit o not?belibit...


Sismadi SSM said...

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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Nice comedy blog. Mine delve in it too though not as good as yours. Drop by mine.

Anonymous said...

the snail really did that??? WOW

Spicy Sharon said...

Haha. U manage to capture the whole thing! the pic of the snail peering over the "bridge" is so amusing and cute. =)

Yvonne said...

cant understand the language but the pictures are quite entertaining. wonder how long you sat there to take down the whole process though xD

Unknown said...

Hohoho abot.. Apesal tajuk Blog aku tak pandai cakap omputih, tapi org komen sume cakap omputih? ke omputih dah xckp english lagi dah?

سيد محمد نظام بن سيد الوي said...

aku pon x paham la komander oi..hahaha

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